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Starting point

It is sometimes necessary to take the time to think about the origin of the editorial line of his blog. For visitors to be able to find themselves by visiting a blog, it is useful to develop an internal network that is both intelligent and relevant.

Only, if we try to run before we know how to walk, we risk tripping and not advancing.

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The photo at the origin

The photographic message characterizes the birth of this blog, but finally did this concept not mask a willingness to share chronicles on eclectic subjects?

The question may seem futile and yet it is far from being so. Rising above with respect to a subject makes it possible to understand its contours and then deliver a more coherent message.

Chronicle or opinion

A notice expresses a position of an individual on a subject, it can also be an announcement, a notice of death for example, or the result of an administrative study.

A blog is an information tool that delivers articles whose content can become a chronicle on a current topic.

Talking about chronicles expands the dimension of the article and opens it to constructive criticism.

Back to Colours

Water was the theme of the photographic challenge Sunny Monday for the month of March. And for the next months, back to the colours


Translated by Carrie

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It's so hot we have to drink more too.